Abstracts due 28th March 2024 (Extended to 5th April), accepted Pecha Kucha recordings due 12th April
There is only one presentation format for the virtual symposium: peer-reviewed 500 word abstracts, and a pre-recorded Pecha Kucha presentations (followed by live discussion).
Extended Abstracts – Pecha Kucha Presentations
Extended Abstracts are an opportunity to share and showcase innovative Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) practice through a pre-recorded Pecha Kucha presentation. Extended Abstracts may feature practice-based examples such as Scholarly Practice, learning innovations, professional development innovations, outcomes of communities of practice, etc.
Abstract format
- 500 words not including references, using SOTEL paper template.
Presentation format
- Pre-recorded and hosted online using for example PKCreate, FigShare or Google Slides (please submit (email) the URL for your PK presentation by 12th April 2024.
- 20 slides or images, 20 seconds each, auto advanced, with audio track, See https://www.pechakucha.com/pkcreation for more details;
- PK presentations will be embedded in Mozilla Hubs virtual environment for synchronous discussions, and asynchronous discussions via a P2 Discussion Forum;
- PK virtual presentation sessions run 12-1pm AEST.
Review criteria
Extended Abstracts for Blind peer review for the Pecha Kucha presentations must be submitted through the PJTEL journal system and will be published open access with a DOI. Brief review criteria:
- Relevance to advancing TEL research and/or practice;
- Showcasing innovation and creative practice;
- Applicability to the SoTEL audience – either higher education and/or secondary;
- Coherent and logically structured with a theoretical underpinning.
Submit your papers here.