

Exploring the impact of mobile social media on journalism education and practice.


Narayan, V. (2017). The mobilised learner: Heutagogy and mobile social media. (PhD), Murdoch University, Perth. Retrieved from

Mulrennan, D. (2017). Mobile Social Media and the News: Where Heutagogy Enables Journalism Education. Journalism & Mass Communication Educator, OnlineFirst(0), 1-12. doi:10.1177/1077695817720762 Download PDF

Cochrane, T., Sissons, H., & Mulrennan, D. (2017). Mainstreaming Mobile Learning in Journalism Education. In H. Crompton & J. Traxler (Eds.), Mobile Learning in Higher Education: Challenges in Context (Vol. In Press). New York: Routledge.

Cochrane, T., Antonczak, L., Guinibert, M., Mulrennan, D., Rive, V., & Withell, A. (2017). Principles for Designing Transformative Mobile Learning. In A. Murphy, H. Farley, L. Dyson, & H. Jones (Eds.), Mobile Learning in Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region: Harnessing Trends and Challenging Orthodoxies (pp. 25-43). Singapore: Springer International.

Cochrane, T., Sissons, H., Mulrennan, D., & Rive, V. (2016). Journalism 2.0: Collaborative curriculum redesign. In D. Parsons (Ed.), Mobile and Blended Learning innovations for improved Learning Outcomes (pp. 181-200). Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.

Mulrennan, D., Sissons, H., Rive, V., McMeekin, S., & Cochrane, T. (2015). MoJoMLaw: Mobile Social Media Integration in Journalism and Law. In S. Frielick (Ed.), LTDF 2014 ebook (pp. 70-72). Auckland University of Technology: Centre for Learning And Teaching.

Cochrane, T., Antonczak, L., Guinibert, M., & Mulrennan, D. (2014, 28 February to 2 March). Developing a mobile social media framework for creative pedagogies. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Mobile Learning, Madrid, Spain.

Cochrane, T., Sissons, H., Mulrennan, D., & Pamatatau, R. (2013). Journalism 2.0: Exploring the impact of Mobile and Social Media on Journalism Education. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning, 5(2), 22-38. doi:10.4018/jmbl.2013040102

Cochrane, T., Mulrennan, D., Sissons, H., Pamatatau, R., & Barnes, L. (2013, 4-6 July). Mobilizing Journalism Education. Paper presented at the International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education (ICICTE 2013), Crete, Greece.

Cochrane, T., Antonczak, L., Guinibert, M., Withell, A., Mulrennan, D., Mountfort, P., & Narayan, V. (2013, 1-4 December). Collaboration unplugged: Herding a flock of MOAs. Paper presented at the Electric Dreams: 30th ascilite Conference, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.

Coleman, D. (2012, November-December). The social revolution. Idealog, 42.

Cochrane, T., Sissons, H., & Mulrennan, D. (2012). Journalism 2.0: Exploring the impact of Mobile and Social Media on Journalism Education. In I. A. Sánchez & P. Isaias (Eds.), Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Mobile Learning 2012 (pp. 165-172). Berlin, Germany: IADIS International Association for Development of the Information Society.

Cochrane, T., Antonczak, L., Sissons, H., Withell, A., Wagner, D., Gordon, A., . . . Keegan, H. (2012, 25-28 November). Post Web 2.0 Pedagogy: Mobile social media. Paper presented at the Ascilite 2012: Future challenges, sustainable futures, Te Papa, Wellington, New Zealand.
