Recorded Webinar URLs | TRENDSETTERS FOR 2024 |
Figshare DOI | Jason Lodge, “AI in the wild: How students are using generative AI in their learning”, 26th April, 12-1pm AEST |
Figshare DOI | Elisa Bone, “Enabling TEL capacity across complexity”, 3rd May, 12-1pm AEST |
Figshare DOI | Cristian Rodriguez, “A Tale of Two Schools”, 17th May, 12-1pm AEST |
Figshare DOI | Robert Vanderburg, “Enhancing Mathematical Proficiency through Digitally Individualized Pedagogy”, 24th May, 12-1pm AEST |
Figshare DOI TBD | Chris Deneen, “AI and assessment in higher education: Problems, possibilities, and pathways” 31st May, 1-2pm AEST |
Figshare DOI | Darren Sudlow, “Strengthening the System: Networked Education”, 7th June, 12-1pm AEST |
We are now accepting papers for the Pacific Journal of Technology enhanced Learning (PJTEL). Call for papers